Apparel Company
Facebook Advertising
Digital Marketing
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Facebook Advertising
live site
Digital Advertising

5:1 ROAS on a small budget

Reverb Generated 5:1 ROAS on a small facebook advertising budget


Reverb Consulting was asked to steward a small Facebook budget to ensure an appropriate ROAS (Return on advertising spend) as to be profitable and set up their acquisitions for a nice life time value with the customer. Given the limited budget Reverb decided that Facebook would be the best channel to serve their customer. Understanding that an appropriate marketing funnel needs to consist of both traffic immediately driven to the site for purchase as well as nurtured traffic over a period of time, they set-up a campaign that split between initial traffic tactics and re-targeting efforts to complete the funnel. The campaign goal was 3:1 in order to be profitable and set the client up for a profitable LTV. During the campaign period Reverb Consulting was able to generate a 5:1 ratio on ads - blowing away expectations. Showing that even on limited budgets Reverb Consulting can get huge returns for their customers.

Reverb Consulting generating a 5:1 ratio on ad spend